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Importer and Distributor of the Molly Lac brand for Belgium. My mission is to make you discover this brand which is absolutely wonderful, high quality gels, winning bases of the prestigious innovation competition, LNE. A wide range of pigmented colors. Molly Lac it is also by packages very specific to the brand in attractive colors that makes its difference. Working with Molly Lac means ensuring safe and quality work, your customers will be more than satisfied.

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Molly Lake

We distinguish ourselves by quality

in constant innovation

In a field where the requirement is always stronger and in constant evolution, we are attentive to the expectations of our customers, we have created the hybrid varnishes Molly Lac ♥ By passion paying attention to every detail, we want to show each woman that she can feel special because each of us is beautiful.
The desire to introduce a perfect product in all respects, as well as the implementation of innovations and constant control of standards ensure the highest level of product advancement at a reasonable price. The quality of hybrid varnishes is supervised by a number of specialists, as well as ambassadors and professional nail stylists, thanks to which we can check our products in any way possible and introduce a number of details, that our products are always refined and to perfection. Only careful listening to our customers guarantees the perfect product.
The constant and continuous development of our brand is a guarantee of understanding of satisfaction and of the most sophisticated requirements for hybrid varnishes. Non-allergenic formula, high pigmentation, thick consistency, unique brush, sophisticated colors - all this and more in a delicious 5ml or 10ml bottle for your working comfort.
We want our products to be welcomed by as many women as possible - we want to make people aware that self-esteem has limitless possibilities. We believe that by inspiring we are able to change women's approach to themselves. After all, happiness is nothing but self-acceptance and self-actualization, and that's what we're looking for.
We treat our brand in higher categories than just hybrid varnish. We believe that perfectly selected ingredients, an innovative formula, a perfect consistency, a refined coating like a bottle or a brush, as well as an impressive palette of colors can do wonders in this field and guarantee us a distinction from the competition. We are sure that thanks to Molly Lac ♥ the self-confidence of women will increase. Beautiful nails are the showcase of each of us - bar none.
Meet professional products that will take care of you and your nails in a unique way.

Contact us

Chaussée de Bruxelles 218, 6040 Charleroi, Belgium

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